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Maybe Sagawa isn’t such a bad guy.

Rclevel655 February 24, 2021 11:34 am

I feel like Sagawa wanted Hiyama to overcome the trauma of the situation, in order to move on and continue as an officer but Hiyama feared seeing the criminal, thinking he’d come back for him upon his release. If Hiyama went and visited the criminal he would have known that he was suffering with Dementia and thus wouldn’t recall Hiyama. With that knowledge Hiyama wouldn’t be living on the edge waiting for the day of the criminals release.

I sense that Sagawa can see the good in Hiyama which is why he points out that he’d never be a good detective but that good in him, makes him a good police officer and by resigning, he’s not living up to that potential. The world actually needs officers like Hiyama that go out of their way to help, even when their shift is over.

    Rclevel655 February 24, 2021 11:36 am

    Sagawa is definitely an asshole though, don’t get me wrong.

    Bleurgh April 19, 2021 1:44 am

    I feel like the whole waiting would have been avoided if he had just told him, he basically left that man to his own problems without help. It's good to over come trauma, but look at how the seme was there for him, he wouldn't have been able to see him if bit for the support, the guy only made his trauma worse, I could understand of his words were just harsh or just honest, but he went out if his way to say he was disgusting/disgraceful, words he did not even need to say and things that are just not true, he wanted the uke to just get over it, but didn't want to take the actual steps to help a man who was in the dark, and when he finally had someone to support and help him see the light, he still was an asshole, the author wanted to cer up his assholery with some "but he means well" shit but it didn't work, they forgot the part where of a person means well, they don't go out of their way to make the person feel like they should never be forgiven, or feel that they are completely alone, that nit what tough love is, it's rubbing salt into an already infected wound.

    Rclevel655 April 19, 2021 6:52 am
    I feel like the whole waiting would have been avoided if he had just told him, he basically left that man to his own problems without help. It's good to over come trauma, but look at how the seme was there for ... Bleurgh

    Most definitely I agree. The way he went about it was wrong and badly executed but that’s his characters flaw, after all he is an asshole (with good intentions).

    After reading the most recent chapter, even Okazaki recognises Sagawa’s help and Hiyama even thanked him. So although he might have rubbed salt in the wound, his persistence helped in its own way. Of course the biggest support goes to Okazaki for being there for Hiyama.

    Bleurgh April 19, 2021 7:04 am
    Most definitely I agree. The way he went about it was wrong and badly executed but that’s his characters flaw, after all he is an asshole (with good intentions). After reading the most recent chapter, even Ok... Rclevel655

    Not to be rude or nothin I genuinely don't know, but what help?

    Rclevel655 April 19, 2021 10:09 pm

    No that’s ohkay, it’s all down to opinion, this is my interpretation of what was presented after all. It’s the way he speaks to Hiyama, he suspected Hiyama of wanting to resign around the time the prisoner was due to be released and disagreed with his decision to resign (chapter 4 page 26-28).

    When they meet at the prison, nearing the end of their exchange, Sagawa compliments (kinda quoted Okazaki) Hiyama on his character and role as an officer and then goes on to say that he’s disappointed that he’s going to throw it all away when he’s trusted by the people of his town and is generally a really good officer (chapter 7 page 14-15).

    Although it wasn’t physical or even emotional help, Sagawa’s words turned something in Hiyama, it made him think about what he was going to give up. Alongside the support from Okazaki, Hiyama didn’t resign. In the extra Okazaki comments that he should thank Sagawa which he later does in the chapter although Hiyama says it’s all thanks to Okazaki (chapter 7.5 page 8-9).