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Why is it...

Mameiha February 1, 2016 5:47 am

... everyone in Shounen ai and Yaoi - except the protagonists - assume the world revolves around them? Cock blocking kids, meddling neighbors and over protective siblings all need to get a grip and a life. I get that they act as plot conflict and comedy triggers, but the excessive use of these devices makes the story annoying and hard to read for me. Maybe I'm just not into these types of "comedy" plots. Time to read something else.

    Mameiha June 28, 2017 1:39 am

    Wow, a year and a half and here I am again. A year and a half and nearly 2000 Yaoi under my belt and this story still annoys the hell out of me. Some things never change, I guess. LOL

    Saki July 31, 2017 5:02 pm
    Wow, a year and a half and here I am again. A year and a half and nearly 2000 Yaoi under my belt and this story still annoys the hell out of me. Some things never change, I guess. LOL Mameiha

    Then why did you come back XD

    Mameiha July 31, 2017 7:09 pm
    Then why did you come back XD Saki

    I never write off a story because of a bad first impression. We all have bad days where even the littlest thing will irritate us to no end. I'm no exception. Opinions evolve over time, or, at least, they should. I would be doing myself, the manga, the mangaka and even other readers a disservice if I were to not give any story a second chance and read it with fresh eyes and a new, evolved perspective.

    I'm sure your comment was meant to be a jab, but I appreciate it just the same. It was an opportunity for me to explain my reasoning and comments to those who follow them. For that, I thank you.

    Saki July 31, 2017 9:50 pm
    I never write off a story because of a bad first impression. We all have bad days where even the littlest thing will irritate us to no end. I'm no exception. Opinions evolve over time, or, at least, they should... Mameiha

    Uh oh, I meant no harm. Sorry if you're offended by my comment. Just wondered why you reread a story you didn't like. Thanks for explaining now I know why :)

    Mameiha August 1, 2017 2:04 am
    Uh oh, I meant no harm. Sorry if you're offended by my comment. Just wondered why you reread a story you didn't like. Thanks for explaining now I know why :) Saki

    Any offense I may have taken is all washed away now. Thank you for the apology, I humbly accept.