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It was said that Satoru was disabled. In what way exactly? here’s the link. ht...

Anonymous February 1, 2016 5:51 am

It was said that Satoru was disabled. In what way exactly?
here’s the link.

    Shaphina February 7, 2016 8:47 am

    I am assuming that disabled was supposed to mean transfer but got lost in translation or something. (the character could have been messed up even)

    Shaphina February 7, 2016 8:48 am
    I am assuming that disabled was supposed to mean transfer but got lost in translation or something. (the character could have been messed up even) Shaphina

    I mean disabled makes sense in this page but it really doesn't connect with anything else in the story at all.

    aerslevdi February 17, 2016 6:04 pm
    I am assuming that disabled was supposed to mean transfer but got lost in translation or something. (the character could have been messed up even) Shaphina

    There were some mishaps like that through out the manga (I.E. Satpru saying that even if he would have received the letter properly, he still considered Shiro as only a friend, when previously he said that he started avoiding Shiro in middle school because he had feelings for him), so I'm not sure if it's the translation or a mistake of the mangaka.

    Anonymous December 8, 2016 8:23 pm
    I am assuming that disabled was supposed to mean transfer but got lost in translation or something. (the character could have been messed up even) Shaphina

    I think it was mistranslated. Here's another page:

    I don't think it was actually his birthday; I think she meant he forgot to bring his lunch with him (which he did refer to later in the chapter).