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but i've been drinking coffee for years like 4-5 times in a day (fuck university) and i've...

red February 25, 2021 8:24 pm

but i've been drinking coffee for years like 4-5 times in a day (fuck university) and i've never got a nosebleed like that dksksksk or does that depend on a person, that was kinda scary

    Sugawara Georgette Lee April 12, 2021 10:39 am

    I get nosebleed everytime i drink coffee tbh hahaha

    yuhi_sama June 24, 2021 7:06 pm
    I get nosebleed everytime i drink coffee tbh hahaha Sugawara Georgette Lee

    Gosh thats an amazing quirk like you can legit just drink coffe before any exam you are not ready for and boom you dont have to pass the exam cause you are sick and you have proof