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It's cute and I like the author, but I can't help but dislike it a bit. From my perspectiv...

Anonymous February 2, 2016 1:32 am

It's cute and I like the author, but I can't help but dislike it a bit. From my perspective I felt like we forced Ryuuichi to make all the decisions. Baba was the one that cheated and toyed with him and in the beginning he said he would make things right/change. I know he changed because Ryuuichi interpreted his facial expressions saying it's not the same guy from before but Baba never actually apologizes or clears any misunderstandings with the female teacher. Like the female teacher is the one who told Ryuuichi that they weren't together and it was a misunderstanding but besides telling Ryuuichi that he will wait, Baba does not do anything to actively show change or pursue his relationship besides flirt a little. Plus when Ryuuichi visited and the female teacher answered the door Baba wasn't even home like he said he would be. I just felt like the story portrays Ryuuichi running the whole time and even though it is true that Ryuuichi would not confront his feelings; Baba also did not give anything to the relationship besides half-assed flirting and telling Ryuuichi to meet him at his appartment. He didn't even say that he missed him or that it will be different or even that he wasn't playing around like before. If not for the author's portrayal this story could have just been a repeat of the past. They're together and like each other but only Ryuuichi actively says I love you and Baba just passively thinks Ryuuichi doesn't want to be with me without actively doing anything to change it.

    Luna May 15, 2016 4:43 pm

    Really well written! Took the words from my mouth.

    Anonymous May 31, 2016 12:12 pm

    Omfg. This IS an awesome post. And there was absolutely no victim blaming. Amazing.