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They keep making it look like Letio is the real villain, but the are both bad. They are b...

Elisha February 26, 2021 3:41 am

They keep making it look like Letio is the real villain, but the are both bad. They are both willing to kill and sacrifice others for personal gain. Just one knows better, but is also trying to keep themselves safe while the other doesn't and is trying to keep the main character safe. I'm getting a little annoyed how the story is making it look like Letio is so much worse too make the Duke look better.

    Me9 February 26, 2021 4:06 am

    Thanks for pointing that out. I feel like I was sort of being swayed into thinking the prince is less messed up than Letio when, in reality, they both crazy lolol

    Meggs February 26, 2021 6:20 am
    Thanks for pointing that out. I feel like I was sort of being swayed into thinking the prince is less messed up than Letio when, in reality, they both crazy lolol Me9

    I dont think so. They are completely different. The prince grew up and to this day faces life threatening events and has to survive. They are not the same. And lets not forget that she is using him too. To survive. Let's not forget the fact that she is deceiving him too. That she entered that duel not out of the goodness of her heart but because it suited her. Because she lost his trust. She decieved him and had to manage the situation. So her and the prince are alike. Whereas the other one is just a psychopath with stalkerish tendencies