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damn.. i came for cute small top.. didnt think i'd get disappointed... because i saw her o...

Anonymous February 26, 2021 1:15 pm

damn.. i came for cute small top.. didnt think i'd get disappointed... because i saw her other work so i was.. distraught.. i thought we had something author... i thought we both like the same thing.. heart was broken (for real).. i guess it's understandable since most of the people likes it.. still sad tho.. i know these comments is annoying but i just.. *slams hand to chest dramatically* feel so betrayed... OH BUT PLEASE PEOPLE WHO LIKES THINGS LIKE THIS LIKE ME PLEASE DONT HATE THIS I DONT WANT WAR I WANT PEACE WITH MY KINDS ALRIGHT? AND IF YOU ARE OFFENDED I'M SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO OFFEND YOU I'M JUST SAD SO I TYPED THIS OUT (/TДT)/

    Chaa May 1, 2021 1:26 am

    Cute small top supremacy !!