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Shit mad whack bruh

Gloop February 26, 2021 2:10 pm

I've read this story years ago and idk why I didn't address this earlier but the problems I have with this manga are ridiculous. Ofc there's the toxic gender norms which I can now comprehend, but WTF DID THIS MAN JUST SHOVE HIS PP IN SAKURA'S BOOTY WITHOUT ANY PREP LIKE DO U UNDERSTAND HOW PAINFUL THAT CAN BE?!?! HE'S STILL A MAN AND HE'S 17 Y'ALL!!! WHAT IS THIS!?!?

    Gloop February 26, 2021 2:14 pm

    Wait he did prep but honestly it was so half assed and sakura still could've been harmed. Idk why I liked this manga before...