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It's okay, but am I the only one bothered that their first love scene happened after Kazuh...

max2payne0 February 26, 2021 2:57 pm

It's okay, but am I the only one bothered that their first love scene happened after Kazuha was knocked out by assailants and woke up tied by Hyoudo? It's more dubious consent than full on consent.

Also, he gets kidnapped/attacked several times and it's Hyoudo to the rescue. So even though he's a cop who knows judo it's still the same cliche of the damsel getting saved by the hero (don't know if there's a masculine word for damsel). The fact that he doesn't question what his boyfriend could be doing as a yakuza and he's a cop (but this is in most cop x yakuza stories I read so I guess it's normal.)

And finally, their communication sucks, on both ends but mostly Hyoudo who walks out or shuts down in every confrontation instead of talking thins out. Sometimes they work themselves out but it won't be always.
