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Hello sorry for asking again

yui February 26, 2021 7:25 pm

I asked before but the details was incomplete and i remembered some parts tho im not sure if its the same manga since its been so long. Its a bl manga

The uke, borrowed money from a friend cuz his mom was rushed to hospital and he didnt have enough money for traveling, he was grateful for that and so when his friend needed money or i think a guarantor he agreed. The friend suddenly disappeared leaving theuke with the debt and seme was the debt collector. Anyway, the friend soon found out about how the uke is paying off his debt and decided to come back. But even after paying the debt the uke decided to stay by the semes side

This is all i could remeber im not really sure if my info are from one manga or from 2different manga but if it rings a bell regarding the mom story or the friend story please tell me

Or suggest me any bl manga where the uke is in debt and the seme is the collector T^T
