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Ho ho ho

Orenda. February 27, 2021 4:25 am

Wow the seme is absolutely D I S G U S T I N G. Plz, the uke is so cute and wholesome. Seeing him so dedicated to the person he loves and going out his way to do things that make his senpai happy is just so cute... but heartbreaking at the same time... the seme is truly awful(imo since he's acting like a dick.) I hope the uke will find true happiness with or without his senpai. The uke is too good for him. Sorry if my opinion offended anyone

    Toodumbtothinkofausernamesrsly March 18, 2021 8:32 am

    Yes, the seme is a fucking asshole like maybe the uke doesnt want to have sex with the seme yet because he's too scared and the seme should respect that decision and shouldn't force him lmao i agree that the uke is too god for him who cares about that handsome seme asshole ( ̄へ ̄)