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uh are we gonna ignore the fact that mikan's father is literally a pedophile and he IMPRE...

kxller February 27, 2021 4:48 am

uh are we gonna ignore the fact that mikan's father is literally a pedophile

and he IMPREGNATED a CHILD?2!!$!2!2 HELLO?3!3!2-2!2

    moonight March 1, 2021 9:17 am

    She was 17 and he was 29 sure there is a big age difference but she knew what she was doing, she consented, and she was in love nothing wrong with that

    moonight March 1, 2021 9:22 am

    Plus it’s not like he groomed her or preyed on her or some fucked up shit and she knew what she wanted and with who she wanted it and not everyone can say that quite honestly

    moonight March 1, 2021 9:29 am

    But yes I can see how people might think that and you’re not wrong but neither am I. I guess it just varies from human to human if that makes sense kind of like a moral discussion

    kxller March 1, 2021 6:12 pm
    But yes I can see how people might think that and you’re not wrong but neither am I. I guess it just varies from human to human if that makes sense kind of like a moral discussion moonight

    fam it dont change the fact that he impregnated a literal child and did sexual acts w one. regardless of the fact that she gave consent, hes still an adult and he should have waited until she was older to do that kinda stuff bc again SHES A CHILD. also im pretty she she was only 16 at the time which is even worse

    moonight March 1, 2021 6:54 pm
    fam it dont change the fact that he impregnated a literal child and did sexual acts w one. regardless of the fact that she gave consent, hes still an adult and he should have waited until she was older to do th... kxller

    Yes I get what you are saying and I’m not trying to justify it ‘cause I gotta be honest I kind of agree with you but it’s not like he raped her or took advantage of her she wasn’t forced or coerced either, she literally wanted it and so did he, should they have waited a little longer? yes definitely but the literal definition for pedophile: is a person who is sexually attracted to children and yes, she obviously was young but he wasn’t attracted to her based on her age or on how young she looked, he was attracted to her based on who she was as a person

    kxller March 1, 2021 9:20 pm
    Yes I get what you are saying and I’m not trying to justify it ‘cause I gotta be honest I kind of agree with you but it’s not like he raped her or took advantage of her she wasn’t forced or coerced eith... moonight

    i never said he raped her man. i know she technically gave her consent. and ur giving me the definition of a pedophile as if idk what that is. he might not be attracted to her BECAUSE she is a child, but he is still attracted to someone who IS a child. which makes him a pedophile. it doesnt matter if he was attracted to her because of her personality bc it dont change the fact that hes attracted to the personality of someone who is a child. and u say ur not trying to justify it but thats literally what ur doing. theres no excuse. and also all the other teachers are just as guilty for allowing him to engage in acts of pedophilia. it doesnt matter if they love each other. hes a grown man nearing his 30s and shes a highschool student. there is no way to justify that relationship.

    moonight March 1, 2021 10:00 pm
    i never said he raped her man. i know she technically gave her consent. and ur giving me the definition of a pedophile as if idk what that is. he might not be attracted to her BECAUSE she is a child, but he is ... kxller

    First of a real child like you’re making her out to be wouldn’t even be able to give consent ‘cause as you said they are a fucking child so they wouldn’t even fully comprehend what was happening in a sexual situation. So no she is not a child like you are calling her and like I said before yes she is young but she ain’t a child dude she knows what she was doing. Can I ask you something? Would it have been ok if she was 18 years or older?

    kxller March 2, 2021 12:57 am
    First of a real child like you’re making her out to be wouldn’t even be able to give consent ‘cause as you said they are a fucking child so they wouldn’t even fully comprehend what was happening in a se... moonight

    what the fuck do u mean 'a real child'. A 16 year old is legally considered a mf child it doesnt have anything to do with whether they understand sexual matters or not. if we went by that type of logic, then a 12 year old who knows about sex would also not be considered a child. so then would a 12 year old having sex w a 20 year old be okay since by ur logic, the 12 year old understands sexual matters and is therefore not a child?

    OF COURSE IT WOULD NOT BE OKAY BC THEY ARE STILL CHILDREN. their knowledge of sex and how much they comprehend about it does not change the fact that they are CHILDREN. and yes it would have been considered legal if she were 18+ so that would have been much better. however, the gap between the emotional maturity of a 28 year old man and an 18 year old still brings about a question of morality and whether that is really ethical. but at the very least it would be legal and he wouldn't be having sex and impregnating a child.

    Truck-kun April 22, 2021 4:54 pm
    what the fuck do u mean 'a real child'. A 16 year old is legally considered a mf child it doesnt have anything to do with whether they understand sexual matters or not. if we went by that type of logic, then a ... kxller

    Age of consent e In Japan is 13 and many other countries are 16 or 18. Just cause it doesn’t apply to your country doesn’t mean everybody is wrong

    kxller April 23, 2021 3:44 am
    Age of consent e In Japan is 13 and many other countries are 16 or 18. Just cause it doesn’t apply to your country doesn’t mean everybody is wrong Truck-kun

    Did i ever say that she didn’t give consent? In the first place i never said he raped her. It was consensual. But that doesn’t change the fact that he, an adult, had sex with a child, therefore he is a pedophile. Consent has nothing to do with it. People under 18 are still considered children in japan dumbass.

    Truck-kun April 23, 2021 12:27 pm
    Did i ever say that she didn’t give consent? In the first place i never said he raped her. It was consensual. But that doesn’t change the fact that he, an adult, had sex with a child, therefore he is a pedo... kxller

    Do you know what a pedophile even is? First pedophilia is DISORDER where the person suffering, experiences EXCLUSIVE attraction to younger children (who have not reached puberty, 13 or below). And yes it is also used as slang for creeps who are attracted to kids even if they do not suffer from the disorder, but Mikan’s mom was 17, so therefore her father WASNT a pedo. Unless by SOME biological MIRACLE she had not attained puberty. Also PLEASE stop throwing words around without, giving an effort to even check out the meaning. Not all pedos are molesters they suffer from the disorder and feel disgusted at themselves for something that they can’t even control. You casually throwing the word around is an insult to actual Victims and Pedos who can’t help suffering.

    kxller April 23, 2021 2:51 pm

    If u think that its okay for a person who is legally a child to have sex with a man approaching thirty, u should get urself checked. Im not gonna argue w a pedophile apologist.

    c6034 May 21, 2021 1:31 pm
    If u think that its okay for a person who is legally a child to have sex with a man approaching thirty, u should get urself checked. Im not gonna argue w a pedophile apologist. kxller

    I was trying to ignore this and you have ripped the blindfold from my eyes and shamed me! You are right! This is gross!! and we can't just ignore this gross thing because we like the manga! He was a pedophile and honestly thank you for saying it cause it had to be said and thanks for dealing with the inevitable bull from people who can't bear disliking a cartoon lol

    kxller May 21, 2021 4:42 pm
    I was trying to ignore this and you have ripped the blindfold from my eyes and shamed me! You are right! This is gross!! and we can't just ignore this gross thing because we like the manga! He was a pedophile a... c6034

    THANK YOU SOMEONE WITH A SANE MIND. and tbh i noticed its a really common trope in a lot of shoujo manga (not just this one) to have an adult man in his mid to late 20s fall in love with a 16 y o girl and its just sick bruh. Its not right at all.

    c6034 May 21, 2021 10:14 pm
    THANK YOU SOMEONE WITH A SANE MIND. and tbh i noticed its a really common trope in a lot of shoujo manga (not just this one) to have an adult man in his mid to late 20s fall in love with a 16 y o girl and its j... kxller

    I agree. In the real world this kind of behavior, a man pushing his 30's impregnating a 16 year old would be sickening. I think a lot of people have this mindset that if they like the work they can't criticize any aspect of it. As a result you get this heinous avalanche of rabid fans viciously defending some cartoon pedophile they like. The argument that she was consenting and they were happy is absurd, they were written this way to make their ridiculous age gap palatable. Its honestly a terrible relationship dynamic and as much as I tried to just swallow my judgement (mostly cause arguing with 13 year olds is incredibly tiring) I think you were right for pointing it out.