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I hated Kousaka to the extreme. He's abusive and messed up, and his version of love is des...

I hated... February 5, 2016 5:47 am

I hated Kousaka to the extreme. He's abusive and messed up, and his version of love is destructive and disturbing. His way of helping Riya deal with his problems was by ignoring them, how is that love. Ugh i know this is just a manga but i just hated him so much, and i hated that Riya ever liked that kinda guy. And i know Riya only went to his house and almost had sex with him because he was lonely without Atsushi, but just the fact that kousaka even got that far just uGH i hate love triangles and this is just the worst type.

Other than that the story itself was interesting and sweet :)
