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My brain is all reversed

lenaGRonyx February 5, 2016 6:59 am

Wow, it was special.

First part: the introduction
"OH! It looks cool and Takato is funny XD The younger looks a little... abnormal. And dumb but... Oh yeah! Maybe he's shaming (he's an actor so it's totally possible), maybe he's an yandere and passive agressive, khé khé khé khé... (`∇´)و✧" <-- Yeah, I was very excited by my own assumption.

Second part: the decadence
My god, the air is becoming heavy, what's happening? Ah! The punk is creepy! Oh, Taka-san kicked him, good!
Usually, the uke can't move (my ass you can't, idiot), would be raped and still loving it (AH AH, BIG JOKE. Actually, you want me to hit you, right?) or/and sulked after (you're stupid?!), sometimes they cry and after are afraid or angry but not really for a long time because it was FOR LOVE SAKE (... I give up.)
So Takato kicked Azumaya the punk! (at this point, you're into it, the scene feels more like a "real" rape situation and you begin to stress out for Takato, which one is in total panic XD) Yeah! Go! Escape, you can do it! In the toilet? Yeah I understand you don't really have choice but what will you do after?! You don't have your cellphone or anything... (and there *BAM*) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! AZUMAYA SCARY! THE PUNK IS REALLY SCARY!!! FUCKING SCARY!!! (no kidding, I was scared, the atmosphere was serious and he seemed crazy) ESCAPE-ESCAPE-ESCAPE!! WHY DON'T YOU DO ANYTHING?! TRY SOMETHING! (well it's too late now)
Alright, I'm not a beginner when it comes to rape play o in either the manga or real life so now, I want to know why I found it a bit exciting when it's so lame (I supposed it was because of the tension from the heavy mood just before, so I was ready for that)

Third part: the ending
... Where is gone- Why-... You do nothing? You're no more angry or something? You don't kick him anymore? You don't call your mom, I don't know something! ... ah... you're blushing... Azumaya is saying a BIG PILE OF BULLSHIT and you're listenning, you're just speaking while blushing with this guy who just raped you... okay... Oh! And you let him do you a second time? Oooooh, okay!...
No seriously, it's a joke?

I feel like my emotions went ride some roller coaster... it was really special and I kind of loved it for that. Funny, the remains impression.
But it was like the others cf "Actually, you want me to hit you, right?"
