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Love Shuttle Hate

SugaDNA February 27, 2021 2:38 pm

I can't understand how someone can come to read all of Love shuttle chapters and get so pressed over the fact of no baby or there being a baby. This person seriously decided to attack for no reason. If you hate a story so much you don't need to comment hateful things and then attack people who actually enjoy the story. That legit goes for every single story, you don't need to announce to the world the story is trash, just stop reading and move along so we can continue to enjoy the wonderful stories we love.

    Cherry_chi February 27, 2021 2:41 pm

    I totally agree.

    Cyanotaku February 27, 2021 3:19 pm

    It’s the days of a pandemic. Everyone is on edge and I feel like being behind a screen gives people courage to be trolls. I laugh at myself cause I’m always causing arguments trying to protect my favorite characters. The internet brings out a crazy side of people lol