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why didnt she picked the weathiest and best candidate in the first place??? what did the t...

LazeALot February 27, 2021 3:03 pm

why didnt she picked the weathiest and best candidate in the first place??? what did the two other options have that are better than money and good lookin men???

    CantJmout March 7, 2021 6:37 pm

    The other two are dukes as well and on the surface everything seemed fine, especially since she was still naive and hadn't died enough yet. The first duke was actually "kind" enough (didn't abuse her unlike the 2nd). The reason why she only chose her current father when she begun her 4th life was because of rumours she had heard about him such as him being a villain.

    Lolololu April 20, 2021 8:56 pm

    She didn't pick it because it is known as the 'villain's lair' and she has encountered the sons of that family in they are really villainous. Moreover, qll rumours circulating around that family is bad not until she chose it to her fourth life