Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. do they know that no one that has it will live past 12 if these two are the fi...

Fragile February 6, 2016 1:54 am do they know that no one that has it will live past 12 if these two are the first ones with it?

    devil lady March 18, 2016 1:20 am

    Yah if those two are the only one with that disease then how would the doctors know about it and it doesn't even make any sense

    Himedera April 12, 2016 5:25 am

    It could have been an older disease that just hand't been recorded but did claim victims but nobody bothered to record the names of the victims.

    Thus it went unnamed and eventually became forgotten but occasionally the rumors would pop up every now and then in the medical community.

    They might have meant that the kids were the first ones able to be monitored/studied and confirmed to have to with in recent years.