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With the arrival of a new teacher, I thought this teacher would be able to help and change...

Alohomori February 7, 2016 10:41 am

With the arrival of a new teacher, I thought this teacher would be able to help and change the things a little, but no. It seems that all the people in that school are twisted. It'd be awful to study in it.

Maybe, the new teacher is going to be a "tool" for Azusa with his plan of revenge. Azusa is cunning, so I don't think that he won't use the teacher against Karino to achieve his goal... if he succeed in manipulating the professor as he wishes.

Even if this story is creepy, I still like it very much. It's atypical, interesting and mesmerizing in its own scary way. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you for the translation and all the work to provide us this new update. :)
