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pretty decent story, still enjoyed it

emi.mei February 28, 2021 3:30 pm

Still didn't like jin nana. She's an irritating bitch. Her only redeeming quality was that she felt remorseful at the end but I felt like it was only after she found our garyeong was pregnant. That aside, she tried to sabotage a guy she "liked". Sis if he didn't date you in the 7 years he was single he obviously isn't into you. Take a hint. Entitled bitch.

Lowkey irritated throughout the story when garyeong and jaeyoon said they would be honest with each other but then continued to tell small lies.

Garyeong's uncle and his family were trash. Glad they didn't get anything. Domestic abuse and feeling entitled to the inheritance? Throw the whole family away.

Also garyeong and jaeyoon's mom need to stop hitting him when they get angry. Give the poor man a break.

I really liked jinsuk. He's such a good friend. I really wanted to see him get a cute bf or something .

The mom had pretty good character development. Glad she's reflected and is supporting them.

But overall really glad garyeong and jaeyoon had a good ending.

    Leahiscute April 30, 2021 5:14 am

    Oh wow that good know once I read this book