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it's nice.

akaitossi February 7, 2016 11:09 pm

i just finished reading the first book of this story while i've read the second book (this one.) for quite a while already. all in all, even during the first time i read it with lack of knowledge on both characters, i really adored this manga. i prefer a fluffy and light read (comedy yaoi/shounen ai, mostly.) but this manga really stuck on me. it really drills it into your head about how even the person who never acts like they have went through a traumatizing experience (in this case, seeing your mother being raped by a man you probably trusted since he was touji's father's assistant.) could be right beside you, smiling so happily because you're beside them. it's a sad thing, because when you find out this hidden part of them, you just then realize how little you actually know them. this pairing has a long way to go in the yaoi world, and they are amazing at being together. thanks sensei, for being a miracle worker once again.
