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Silver_Moon789 March 2, 2021 10:38 am

man can't believe when I came to check on this it finally finished uploading. I'm a lil sad we couldn't get a timeskip epilogue but this was great too!

On the other hand, does anyone else think that there's so many loose ends to be tied up??? What happens to the harem, does Kallum provide them with jobs and stuff? Do they still hang out with Mishe? Why is Aleph such a vague asshole, like gimme some more substance to work with he's basically just a grey canvas. We still don't really get his character and the sudden omg Aleph was in love with Corell this entire time like sorry tf that came outta left field??

And is Kallum's elder bro just fine with Kallum ascending the throne? What even is their relationship, some kind of weird frenemy thing like Kallum has with Aleph only slightly more friendlier? Does he get any penalty for trying to kill his brother's now legal wife or you know starting a war?? Because bruh they just gloss over all the bad stuff that happens and I have so many questions?? I have more but if I continue it'll be a veritable essay.
