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Just some thoughts! Also i love this couple too much

Reverence57 March 2, 2021 12:16 pm

Spoilers>>>(kinda? not really)




Yes, there's only a chapter left until this season ends, and we bid our favorite couple adieu ╥﹏╥ HOWEVER (=・ω・=) The last chapter hints at someone from woo-in's past, which means the next season will initially shift focus to the first coupleThis is personally exciting for two reasons !!:

a. The first couple, Suk-yun and Woo-in, have a very interesting relationship timeline - from strangers to lovers to exes to lovers once again. They've been through quite a bit, and are treasuring this relationship properly and more healthily this time round. So...what happens when an unanticipated wench from woo-in's darker(?) days is thrown into this smooth trajectory?

The possibility of a third break-up, or the fact that they'll be more sensitive to anything with the potential of shaking their relationship, will be interesting to witness imo, the second couple has had fantastic depth to each of their characters, so im excited to see the first couple also getting a chance to be fleshed out better!

b. THE SECOND COUPLE!! i know a lot of us might be mildly disappointed to know that the focus of the story will again change to the first couple, but worry not! Because here comes the best part: The next season will most likely feature their honeymoon phase While suk yun and woo in face turbulence in their relationship, yoonseol and his bae are going to be that one sexy, stable side couple they might potentially take on the supporting role of advisors to the first couple, while simultaneously enjoying a riveting, adorably domestic relationship with each other, and personally i find that very sexc (the bias shows huh...)

tldr: ill just be in my corner here waiting for the next season, as well as for the sexy shenanigans of the second couple that it will bring along heheლ(´ڡ`ლ)
