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All I gotta say is this. Jonathan is a hypocrite, dumbass and needs to be punched. Yuna ju...

typicalmxxnlight March 2, 2021 5:50 pm

All I gotta say is this. Jonathan is a hypocrite, dumbass and needs to be punched. Yuna just wants Jonathan's dick and that's it(she's stated that in a chapter or two) Sophie is the only one with slight character development. Yes, she was just in it for the money in the beginning but she actually is liking jonathan (horrible choice really) in all honesty, everyone just needs to go their separate ways and find different people. Jonathan was literally letting Yuna suck his dick while looking at pictures of Sophie. The story is shit and so are the characters. I don't care if you disagree

    typicalmxxnlight March 2, 2021 5:58 pm

    I'm perfectly fine with Yuna and Jonathan getting together, they can be pieces of shit together XD