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I'm surprised this had a low rating. I liked the plot. Most characters were frustrating as...

Anonymous March 2, 2021 8:02 pm

I'm surprised this had a low rating. I liked the plot. Most characters were frustrating as fuck but they have their reasons, except for that lesbian though the author never bothered to give her a proper backstory. I'm happy that the characters were able to find happiness in their own way. FUCK THAT TEACHER FOR MAKING THEM SUFFER. I dont hate the mother of Sasaki-san or anything but why the hell would you leave a grown ass man in your daughter's room, that was one of the scenes I can't be bothered to justify.

    Moowy May 28, 2021 7:19 am

    @ the last part I totally agree wtf. Like at first I was thinking it was a “cultural Difference” but hell no that’s still creepy as fuck.

    Like it would only make even a little sense is if the teacher was a close family friend, who was like an Uncle to the girl.