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It is so rushed. They didnt even show if they mourned over tooru. The manga probably got t...

Asdjkl February 13, 2016 1:49 am

It is so rushed. They didnt even show if they mourned over tooru. The manga probably got terminated. Publishing company’s decision? , rhere should be at least 30 more chapters. That eden garden creation project isnt suppossed to be told to us. The manga‘s point of view is supposed to be from akira’s group so they should have discovered it., sengoku’s mother also died so thqt would be at least 50 years, then would their destination after sailing will be the future? Or void? It also didnt solve on why they would put bacteria to their food? Why kill them all, and on the pyramid, theres also decayed corpse, it is biohazard that break through on entire island? Haaahh this need a sequel, i think the author didnt want end it too.

Or maybe the author’s material is presented to the board and it is deemed as predictable, no way out, no turn back, (if its becoming predictable, as a mystery manga, the value of the mga would go down, also goes for sales, then the manga sales wont equally meet the publishing fee) so they forced a unique ending , and put time traveling in it, thats why the author didnt show us, the future, because he didnt plan for it.

They think open ending is better than a predictable one.

Btw. I think the trap for miina’s monument is for animals not to destroy it.

HEY author, any sequel or extras ?
