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Damn I love this author!

dontbelonghere February 18, 2016 3:19 pm

You know when you're reading something and realise you HAVE to throw morals and logic away in order to really enjoy it? Well, this is one of those times.
Honestly I find Atzumu annoying when playing the innocent game, but in the end he was just a horny geek lol but man, I don't get why are the ukes such a wreck when getting fucked! Always crying and All covered by drool, among other things... but why is always the seme all put together while fucking? And the ukes are always a mess! Haha anyway. I really liked Kuze I thought he was the only sane, but that ship has sailed, and although I didn't like the main "couple" sometimes You Just only must embrace the twistedness lol
