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This kind of very sad stories are happening here in Indonesia. At this very moment there i...

... February 15, 2016 5:52 pm

This kind of very sad stories are happening here in Indonesia.
At this very moment there is a witch hunt of LGBTs as well as fujoshi, fudanshi, and yuri enthusiasts in the country by religius fanatics and even the government ministers.
This whole hatred and mess were induced by national medias.

Please pray for us. We are just human beings. But they refer us as society's pests and HIV carriers.

    Anonymous February 15, 2016 6:46 pm

    I'm sorry for all that's happening in your country. I hope the situation gets better and people everywhere can understand that every one is unique and important. People should just judge less and worry about the real bad things that happen everyday, instead of telling people how to live their lives. It makes me really sad, I wish you the best, for you and all the people in similar situations. In the worst-case scenario, you should know that not everywhere in the world is like that, there are many cities that have made much more progress, and you don't have to stay there and take all the shit.
    Wish you the best!

    khowote February 15, 2016 7:03 pm

    May i say. I can't do anything much for you because i'm living far from you,in not very different culture. But please be strong. I believe the current rapid spreading of accepting the personal gender will reach to your country. Please stand strong ,make your self happy, do save sex,be healthy, don't care what bad they say to you,show them that you can manage your life to be so bright without their interfere.I hope you met someone who will be with you for life.
    cheer u
    p.s. It's my first comment in English in this site.So if there are any mistake ,sorry for my word.

    Anonymous February 15, 2016 11:32 pm

    im from the same county and i dont even know this media things

    abcdefgabc February 15, 2016 11:58 pm

    What do you mean by witch hunt?

    ... February 16, 2016 2:22 am
    im from the same county and i dont even know this media things @Anonymous

    Look at Kompas, Jawa pos, Detik and other medias from the last couple of weeks. There are many news about it.
    Don't forget about the statement from Minister of Technology and Higher Education about prohibition of LGBTs to enter any universities within the country.

    ... February 16, 2016 2:27 am
    What do you mean by witch hunt? @abcdefgabc

    They are searching for any LGBTs (including yaoi fans such as fujoshi and fudanshi as well as yuri fans) and if they catch one, she/he will be "re-educated" (yes that's the polite word they use). Although some people blatantly say "put them into psychotic/insane asylum".

    LevixEren February 16, 2016 8:57 am
    Look at Kompas, Jawa pos, Detik and other medias from the last couple of weeks. There are many news about it.Don't forget about the statement from Minister of Technology and Higher Education about prohibition o... @...

    Wtf?! That so fucked up. Aren't they have anything more important than digging up people sexual preferences and hobby (fujoshi fudanshi).
    Get real. They have more important stuff to do. Economic, global education, free health care. I don't understand why they bother people with their liking. Some LGBTQ people are made great things. We need to see people by their own value, brain, and behavior not by are they LGBTQ or not. So weird. I pray for the better system. Someone should start petition.

    ... February 16, 2016 2:52 pm

    They just want to please the religius fanatics in the country.
    Oh and they don't care about petition.