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Anyone know a typical anime character?

Chessmaster February 15, 2016 8:48 pm

I need to represent manga and anime in one picture, so I need one character who can represent them all...I don't care what genre, possibly shoujo or shounen seeing as these are most common.

I'm looking for ANY character with big eyes, unusual hair color, and some kind of unusual clothing

    Esc February 15, 2016 10:22 pm

    You could do the easily identifiable ones in Naruto
    One punch, Bleach, Gintama take your pick

    If you want a specific character perhaps Sakura in Naruto?

    lime February 15, 2016 11:24 pm

    you could also go old school and do sailor moon, dragonball, utena, gundam, pokemon, evangelion, etc
    i don't really think there's a way to represent all of manga/anime with just one character because of all the different plots/genres/styles etc, but if you're looking for most identifiable then i'd say go with what esc said

    cleo February 16, 2016 2:27 am

    How about the first "modern manga" character

    Tetsuwan Atomu, AKA Astro Boy