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Aki February 16, 2016 9:22 pm

This is lovely, but I got a few questions:
1. If the illegal reapers really don't give a damn about the rules, shouldn't Kuzunoha's parents be in danger too? They don't seem to dye their fur.

2. And by the way he introduces himself by his given name, I'm assuming that his family name is kind of a big deal. It is, after all a family of silver foxes. Shouldn't they use a fake one? Like they do in cases of witness protection?

3. Fur reaping means killing a beastling and then skinning them. Who the fuck would volunteer for that?!

4. Is there a monetary reward for those who volunteer themselves as prey for official fur reaping events? (Because that's the only explanation I can think of)

5. How does genetics even work in this world? Can beastlings of different factions reproduce? Not that it matters for our heroes, but anyway...

    T.T. March 20, 2016 12:59 pm

    The only one I can possibly think up an answer to is the first one. I don't think it's that he got caught up with illegal pelting, i think it's that the rules about pelting a child had possibly not been set up yet? He looked pretty young. But, who knows! lol

    monster1994 May 24, 2016 9:10 pm

    Answer to number 3:

    Perhaps the elderly or sickly, maybe some one very depressed will use the pelt reaping as a suicide attempt, young ones very stupid may enter on a dare. (These are only speculation)