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..its the absolutely unrealistic and unhealthy bdsm relationship for me

Starfckerr March 5, 2021 12:39 am

..its the absolutely unrealistic and unhealthy bdsm relationship for me

    bjs1350 March 6, 2021 10:09 pm

    It's the not knowing how to differentiate between fiction and reality for me

    Starfckerr March 7, 2021 10:43 pm
    It's the not knowing how to differentiate between fiction and reality for me bjs1350

    it’s the not being able to accept that other ppl can have different views for me the whole story promotes toxic behaviour and since a lot of bl readers are young impressionable ppl i think it’s just fair that someone calls it out

    Mikotofire March 10, 2021 5:08 pm

    It made me so uncomfortable to read because if I ever was was put in that position or faced with a contract like that I would walk away. That can be so so dangerous.

    inumaki March 10, 2021 9:54 pm
    It made me so uncomfortable to read because if I ever was was put in that position or faced with a contract like that I would walk away. That can be so so dangerous. Mikotofire

    ? do you mean like, contracts in general ? or just a contract like the one yeonwoo laid out ? cause contracts are used A LOT in bdsm play. (of course they're usually more detailed and not as ... one-sided as yeonwoo's was.)

    Mikotofire March 11, 2021 7:15 am

    I’m speaking about bdsm contracts and I’m very familiar with them. That contract was absolute bullshit.

    Starfckerr March 11, 2021 9:36 am
    I’m speaking about bdsm contracts and I’m very familiar with them. That contract was absolute bullshit. Mikotofire

    right! also no safewords, no aftercare, no nothing, basically “here’s what i want, you don’t get to say anything, it’s this or nothing”..that’s borderline non consensual

    Mikotofire March 11, 2021 6:49 pm
    right! also no safewords, no aftercare, no nothing, basically “here’s what i want, you don’t get to say anything, it’s this or nothing”..that’s borderline non consensual Starfckerr

    Yup. Absolute garbage. But they ended up all cute and it was a nice lil break