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Vero_Gx March 5, 2021 2:05 am

The hell this has low rating for??? It doesn't deserve at all. The story and ending was so good! And I loved the fact that even though it is a gender bender there was much more noah/el as a man than a woman. And the fact that there was no more hetero sex after Ryan slept with noah/el male form? BEAUTIFUL!!! (Sorry but hetero smut doesn't go with me lmao so it was a win for me)

Definitely worth reading!

    Ritsu April 4, 2021 4:05 am

    Definitely gonna give it a try! Ty for the review

    Rixz April 4, 2021 10:17 am

    Honestly the main reason iam hesitant to read this (the hetero sex) lmao. And im 100% sure the rating is because of Vichid, fr...