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KattCleo February 18, 2016 5:34 pm

*finishes last chapter* *breathes in*
OK, I am now ready to face the comment section filled with people that doom affairs and celebrate monogamy as the one absolute way to be in a relationship in 2016 for some fucking reason. Lol. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    wow February 19, 2016 1:12 am

    Sure, open relationships are okay... If both parties actually agree to it. Did it look like the uke had agreed to it? HMMMM.

    Hint: no.

    KattCleo February 20, 2016 12:14 am
    Sure, open relationships are okay... If both parties actually agree to it. Did it look like the uke had agreed to it? HMMMM. Hint: no. @wow

    lol, got the hint, ty.

    That wasn't why I vented out. Stuff like "I hate cheaters" and "omg cheating is a no no" tick me off. Also some people's attitude towards the uke's "loose" attitude before he got steady with the seme. I just feel like people say stuff like that that because they've been raised while being told some things from adults around them or from TV and they never get to think about why certain things are bad, it's like they are just served an opinion in a silver platter that other people have expressed and are parroting it.
    Cheating is not bad because "it's a bad thing to do", a person who cheats is not automatically a bad person. The human mind and relationships are way more complex than that. It has to do with it breaking the agreement you and your partner had of having an exclusive relationship and therefore when you cheat you break that trust. People who are hurt from their partner cheating on them are feeling betrayed specifically because that trust that has been built upon in order to shape their relationship has been destroyed, not because "HE CHEATED ON MEEE OMFGAHDFGTVFA" I felt that this manga really played with that concept and what cheating can mean for someone, even the uke was basically in a relationship with a man having an affair, but he saw it as that it wasn't his problem, and that all he was doing was having fun, placing the responsibility on the other person completely.
    I thought that it was interesting to see a mangaka portray that kind of thing, even more so since I had read a few days ago a manga where the mangaka basically doomed the idea of "playing around" and was promoting ideas like finding "the one", the pinnacle of absolute monogamy-like thoughts. And yet, here we are, on 2016, in a freaking yaoi comments section, and people are reading a piece of work that expresses a different point of view and everybody is just complaining because "the seme is a cheater and oh i just hate cheaters.." I mean, gurl, you missing the point. These are not actual people. Someone had an idea in their heads when working on this, why is no one trying to see it? Anyway, I was just pretty impressed by Asoi Kai, I've liked her work for a long time anyway, so was pretty disappointed when I was so impressed and yet, just as expected, people were complaining about the central theme of the plot, probably because they didn't think about it much. It's yaoi, people. It doesn't all have to be a clishe'd plot you could find in porn half the time, it can show off some unconventional things, and that's okay.
    Sorry for dragging this out that much, I guess..? I feel like I'm making too much a deal out of it, people will be people no matter what, me venting shit out on a comment wont change much, but, thank you, this made me clear my thoughts hahah. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nazunacchi February 21, 2016 6:10 am
    lol, got the hint, ty.That wasn't why I vented out. Stuff like "I hate cheaters" and "omg cheating is a no no" tick me off. Also some people's attitude towards the uke's "loose" attitude before he got steady wi... KattCleo

    I really appreciate your thoughts on the last chapter! I agree with the things you have said thus far. It's hard to hold your ground and brave of you to say the things you've had to say especially when the consensus is built on a society that has taught us how to build our building blocks.

    KattCleo February 29, 2016 4:30 pm
    I really appreciate your thoughts on the last chapter! I agree with the things you have said thus far. It's hard to hold your ground and brave of you to say the things you've had to say especially when the cons... Nazunacchi

    tbh I felt weird about the brave part so I wasn't going to reply at first, but I appreciate.. you appreciating my opinion? lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    It doesn't have to do with holding your ground or anything more like I'm stubborn and sometimes I don't remember that just because I say what makes sense to me out loud people will change their opinions.
    It doesn't mean that I'm a 100% in the right, opinions are opinions, but I highly doubt most people in the comment section have been in a relationship where their partner cheated on them and the utter betrayal from their passionate love affair scarred them so much that they hate all fictional characters that cheat. Oh well ~

    manganiME March 19, 2016 6:19 am

    What's wrong with the opinion that cheating/open relationships are NOT okay? Let each person think as they will. I think cheating sucks and I think monongamy is best. I have the freedom to think and live this way. Or do you get to tell everyone what they should approve?

    manganiME March 19, 2016 6:21 am
    Sure, open relationships are okay... If both parties actually agree to it. Did it look like the uke had agreed to it? HMMMM. Hint: no. @wow

    There you go. If people agree to a structure and neither gets hurt or coerced or abused, that's fine. Freedom to choose their own way. But if the person is hurt or did not agree to "open," then it's crappy. Sensitivity to the expectations of a partner before commitment is pretty key.

    KattCleo April 20, 2016 5:54 am
    What's wrong with the opinion that cheating/open relationships are NOT okay? Let each person think as they will. I think cheating sucks and I think monongamy is best. I have the freedom to think and live this w... manganiME

    oh shit, I didn't see this before, sorry. Well you have every right to go "monogamy for the WIN!" and like I mentioned, it was selfish and stubborn of me to be so definite about my opinion, however this manga was trying to get a point across, and I found it fair to respect that and not hate it just because there was cheating involved. The uke was also that other married guy's affair partner, and his boyfriend had cheated on him before that, so you had two people who used to have loose relationships, and as such, different definitions of taking infidelity "too far". Personally, my parents began dating when they were 21 and 18, with my mom having my dad as her first boyfriend and everything, and they still like each other very much, so I find people who can commit like that admirable and quite lovely, however I do believe that we need to be more accepting and open minded over the fact that there are other definitions according to other people of what is "forgivable" and what is not in a relationship. Also, it's fiction. It's not here to teach you morals, it's here to show a mangaka's POV, or in most case with yaoi, what they fantasize about. Thus, I think this is an admirable effort to showcase Asou sensei's point of view over different relationship definitions. That was my main point in summary.

    Yourstruly April 20, 2016 7:10 am
    oh shit, I didn't see this before, sorry. Well you have every right to go "monogamy for the WIN!" and like I mentioned, it was selfish and stubborn of me to be so definite about my opinion, however this manga w... KattCleo

    Bro i think for some people cheating its still a big deal, enough to hate this manga, u just make ur point about how not all people who cheat are bad and stuff while you are true, the act its self sometimes hurt their patner, enough to go be depressed. Have u ever got cheated? Its probably cliche question but you see, some people have experience about this stuff and u cant blame them for hating this simply cuz cheating theme,. "This isnt to teach you morals" welll we know, but knowing that make it acceptable for some people? Reading is a powerful thing to human mind u know? It may change someone prespective, it may trigger unwanted memory, it may make us feel better knowing someone life is more miserable than ours, many things. I respect this author but i they wanna try to bring the theme that isnt widely acceptable, they better prepare for the hate. Thank you

    Yourstruly April 20, 2016 7:25 am
    oh shit, I didn't see this before, sorry. Well you have every right to go "monogamy for the WIN!" and like I mentioned, it was selfish and stubborn of me to be so definite about my opinion, however this manga w... KattCleo

    And sorry, i just read ur comment that say, " i doubt all the people that comment here experience trauma that lead to all manga character that cheat" what? Yeah but is that mean those people have no right to hate infidelity? Sorry i mean by general not just on the context of manga. Its an act of betrayal, some people didnt like it, simple. Does they need to experience it to hate this? No. Some people have their own idea of love and what they consider cross the line. Respect that if u want urs to be respected. I think polyamorous is acceptable but as long as both patner agreed. N by cheating, its clearly one side didnt agree, simple as that.

    KattCleo April 20, 2016 8:24 am
    And sorry, i just read ur comment that say, " i doubt all the people that comment here experience trauma that lead to all manga character that cheat" what? Yeah but is that mean those people have no right to ha... @Yourstruly

    >__> this was not addressed to you, I don't think you got my point, it being that we need to respect the fact that the creator was trying to make a point, raise a discussion, and not hate on it for pure personal reasons. Disapproval is a completely different thing. Also allow me to quote myself and after this I'm leaving because people need to actually start reading my wall texts if they want to reply, but here: "It doesn't mean that I'm a 100% in the right, opinions are opinions" "it was selfish and stubborn of me to be so definite about my opinion"
    and my idea was ALSO that you need to RESPECT the CREATOR's POV. The MANGAKA ALSO has an opinion that they EXPRESSED. I RESPECTED THAT. AND I RESPECT THE PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE. HOWEVER. THAT'S DIFFERENT FOR GIVING IT HATE JUST BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH IT. k bye have a nice day. Read the full thing next time plz ~ ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Yourstruly April 20, 2016 10:37 am
    >__> this was not addressed to you, I don't think you got my point, it being that we need to respect the fact that the creator was trying to make a point, raise a discussion, and not hate on it for pure p... KattCleo

    Ok got what u mean, im just wanna point out a thing i said earlier, reading is a powerful thing to mind, it can invoke many feelings. And some people have things they consider crossed the line. I respect the mangaka but if he bring this topic on his manga where his reader might feel like in the position of being cheated on five times? I cant blame them for hating this.

    Errant Belle May 4, 2016 5:23 pm

    Oh you are soo right.
    Nothing says "I love you" like exposing your partner to sexually transmitted diseases (some of which can be fatal), or having some jealous person you've been banging hurt or kill them, and why wouldn't you want to be with someone who lies to you, makes you feel like shit and generally treats you like you're not good enough for them?
    You are obviously sooo enlightened because you can appreciate the joys of fucking around on someone while pretending you respect them or better yet, having someone fuck around on you while you try to convince yourself that they respect or care for you.
    HA HA HA, you just keep telling yourself that!

    manganiME May 4, 2016 5:46 pm
    Oh you are soo right.Nothing says "I love you" like exposing your partner to sexually transmitted diseases (some of which can be fatal), or having some jealous person you've been banging hurt or kill them, and ... Errant Belle

    Yeah, pretty much, right.

    Deception is always wrong with a few exceptions, to save someone's life, for example. If you have to hide it or lie about it, then you already know you shouldn't do it. People go around doing things sneakily, lying, plotting, and why? Cuz they know they ought not do it.

    KattCleo May 4, 2016 6:05 pm
    Oh you are soo right.Nothing says "I love you" like exposing your partner to sexually transmitted diseases (some of which can be fatal), or having some jealous person you've been banging hurt or kill them, and ... Errant Belle

    .. someone got personal here... sorry if I offended you or made you get flashbacks from some sort of traumatic past. I don't think you are getting my point, this has nothing to do with whether I find cheating forgivable or excusable, this has to do with someone writing something and stating an opinion. But nevertheless, if it makes you feel better, I'm sorry if this happened to you when you were in a mutually exclusive relationship, I can't begin to try putting myself in your shoes. No shade.

    Errant Belle May 4, 2016 6:21 pm
    .. someone got personal here... sorry if I offended you or made you get flashbacks from some sort of traumatic past. I don't think you are getting my point, this has nothing to do with whether I find cheating f... KattCleo

    It's got nothing to do with a personal experience, so you can spare me your pity.
    I taught human sexuality courses for over ten years at various universities and I also lived in a Muslim state for three years where polygamy was widely practiced. From these experiences I learned that the idea that open relationships are healthy or liberating is bullshit.
    What I found most offensive about your comment, however, was your suggestion that somehow people who find infidelity abhorrent are unevolved, unenlightened and/or simply uptight.
    I do not care what year it is, cheating is unhealthy and can do physical and psychological damage to people.

    KattCleo May 4, 2016 6:44 pm
    It's got nothing to do with a personal experience, so you can spare me your pity. I taught human sexuality courses for over ten years at various universities and I also lived in a Muslim state for three years w... Errant Belle

    you are barking up the wrong tree miss, I suggested no such thing. The one showcasing an alternative bond within two people is the mangaka and I merely found it interesting and thought provoking. I've never been cheated on so I have no right to pass judgement to those who think it sucks but at the same time we are all different people and it's nice to be able to listen to all types of opinions on a subject.

    And for someone who taught for over 10 years you were being far too emotional when trying to get your point across. If I knew you were not directly involved in an experience like this I would not have been respectful enough to apologize since then you just seem to me unnecessarily sarcastic and quite honestly, I feel like you are trying to provoke me or something with the way you err.. type. Next time you want to get THIS emotional about things you haven't even experienced and haven't even left scars in you, at least try to understand what others are saying, to at the very least make sense when replying. I legit thought you were talking irrational crap that had nothing to do with what I was saying because you were having some sort of flashbacks or something and I was trying to be understanding, and all you can come up with is "you can spare me your pity"??? I wasn't pitying you, I was trying to be polite.

    That's it internet, I'm done, you win, you can keep your human sexuality professors and anti open relationship or whatever people to yourself, have a nice day.

    manganiME May 4, 2016 6:51 pm

    Truth is, in the last story, that is NOT an open relationship. If it were, both would be fine screwing others and would not get hurt or jealous or possessive. This was a case of CHEATING for a pathetic reason (test his love). Causing harm (emotional, psychological, and ultimately physical cause the third party was a bit loco) to a partner you CLAIM to love is not love. It's mindgames and it's cruel and it's cheating. The mangaka was not exploring open relationships. The mangaka was showing an emotionally retarded seme and a wounded uke who kept forgiving a cheating seme. And when he finally decides THAT IS IT, he is put in a position to forgive again. Being codependent is not the same as a healthy relationship. And I think it's FINE for mangakas to explore screwed up humanity. The seme is screwed up in how he treats his partner. The uke is screwed up in not having the self-esteem and strength to tell him after the first cheating incident: One more and I am out of here. I will dump your ass. I will not accept it. I deserve better.

    So, we can talk about open relationships and we can talk about cheaters and abusers, and they are not the same thing. A real open relationship is agreed on, not coercive, and respectful of boundaries. That is not this . This is an evil seme and a weak uke.

    Errant Belle May 4, 2016 7:55 pm
    Truth is, in the last story, that is NOT an open relationship. If it were, both would be fine screwing others and would not get hurt or jealous or possessive. This was a case of CHEATING for a pathetic reason (... manganiME

    Two thumbs up and a gold star to your comment.
    I didn't consider the end of that story.
    A happy end would have been one in which the uke moved on and found someone who treated him with respect.

    Errant Belle May 4, 2016 8:11 pm
    you are barking up the wrong tree miss, I suggested no such thing. The one showcasing an alternative bond within two people is the mangaka and I merely found it interesting and thought provoking. I've never bee... KattCleo

    For someone whose original comment was clearly posted solely to provoke others, you have a surprisingly low tolerance for what you consider to be provocative comments written by others.
    You also appear to have a problem with human emotions. You employed the word "emotional" to attack me almost as if it's a dirty word. Am I correct in discerning that you believe being passionate about a belief automatically renders that belief invalid? That's interesting because I've always thought caring and feeling were quintessential to determining an individual's values and beliefs.
    And one final question...
    Are you trying to be hypocritical or is it a purely subconscious act on your part?