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This is just my opinion. I reread the ending bc i had forgotten how exactly it ended. I f...

ali13a March 5, 2021 12:33 pm

This is just my opinion.
I reread the ending bc i had forgotten how exactly it ended. I feel bad for jihyun, he is quite pitiful and lonely. His father would abuse him and he def has some behavior and psychological problems. No one really cared about him, huh? He never had real friends besides chiwoo. He’s quite complicated and of course I don’t condone his actions. He dealt with his problems the wrong way and would rebel bc of the father. I just want him to get help and to see someone help (his brother or a significant other?) him. I want to see him reflect and learn from his mistakes and wrongdoings. I feel empathy for both characters.
He really did love the MC (or maybe he was just obsessed), but he just went around it the wrong way and didn’t respect him. Not to mention, he was too dependent on the mc thus became possessive. The MC suffered because of him and I feel like the separation was definitely needed. Did I ever ship them together? Maybe, but before I realized how harmful their relationship was and how deeply affected the mc was.
Overall, it was a fitting ending and the mc deserves the best and should be able to make his own decisions. I’m glad jihyun left him alone and realized the harm he had done but I would have liked to see the development of jihyun when abroad, but this story isn’t about him but mainly about the mc, so I get it.
