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Both stories suck!

Sailrjup12 February 19, 2016 12:03 am

A plot where all they do is argue over who is top/bottom is boring! The characters don't really stand out either.
2n story was ok, but the I am not sure that guy deserved a second chance, especially when he still was hesitant bout having sex. Take it like a man!

    C Me July 26, 2016 1:01 am

    True when there are true feelings of love it shouldn't matter what role you take as long as you become one with each other. I too thought the second story was better but coming back after three years and expecting for that person to still be waiting was a bit much. Would have actually made a better plot if he was dating the other friend.

    Anon_aug December 6, 2018 8:39 am
    True when there are true feelings of love it shouldn't matter what role you take as long as you become one with each other. I too thought the second story was better but coming back after three years and expect... C Me

    No, it would have hurt my heart if he were dating the friend. I am happy with the way it happened.