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Honestly, I don’t really enjoy this.

fudanbrainrot March 6, 2021 2:29 am

As someone who is also neurodivergent, I think that there should be more books with people like me in them! But what I dont like is that this book is being like “Oh the guy is a saint and she has Aspers, so he is okay with being hit”.


Nobody should have to go through being hit by another person just because they are special needs. Neurodivergent people aren’t babies, they know (and can learn) right from wrong. Her motor skills seem about average, so I don’t doubt that she would understand. If her partner really wanted to help her, he should tell her “We shouldn’t kick dogs because they are living creatures too” and “You cannot hit other people just because you are upset at them”. When I look at this, I feel mocked. This does not make me feel any more validated and accepted. This makes me feel as if I am some sort of conundrum that needs to be contained.

    ZuraJanai March 6, 2021 3:22 am

    Every case is different. It's shown in the manga that just pure words and logic is not enough to help her calm down and prevent her from acting out. He helped her develop a secondary reaction of looking at the sign anytime she was about to lose control - and it's proven to be effective. He teaches and enforces good behavior with positive reinforcement and I think he does a great job.

    Im not sure if you read all of the manga, but right now thats what she's learning. She's learning that it's not okay to do things that hurt people and she's making the effort to change, acknowledging if she's made a mistake and is just starting to connect with and try and understand more people.

    Im not sure why you feel mocked or why this makes you feel like a conundrum that needs to be contained

    Moxi March 6, 2021 9:57 pm
    Every case is different. It's shown in the manga that just pure words and logic is not enough to help her calm down and prevent her from acting out. He helped her develop a secondary reaction of looking at the ... ZuraJanai

    I agree. I feel the way her character is written I can understand her and I quite like her. I also think that besides being niro divergent, she is also dealing with depression and anxiety from past trama. Though I am not nurodivergent I still deal this some of her behavior. Such as anxiety and depression. I think her partner does a good job of helping her. He doesn't baby her and helps her become independent. I think he just understands her past and wants to treat her better.

    fudanbrainrot March 7, 2021 1:19 am
    Every case is different. It's shown in the manga that just pure words and logic is not enough to help her calm down and prevent her from acting out. He helped her develop a secondary reaction of looking at the ... ZuraJanai

    I had to reread, I think I accidentally skipped the chapter where she stopped herself from kicking the dog. It was a pretty important scene and I would have written my comment differently had I seen it before. Sorry about that!

    Even then, the MC does not get to the root of the problem and does not properly talk about what is wrong straight-fowardly. In later chapters it depicts how she needs to be said stuff point-blanky, rather than rely on inference. As someone who has the exact same problem irl, I just think it would be better if he did the straight-forward method. He still does a great job in being a lover and a shoulder to lean/cry on, but his way of helping her overcome her symptoms is kind of unrealistic. I’m just kind of sad that the mangaka put in so much effort to research what having Aspergers is like, but decides to go more of the “manga magic” (lol) route to actually provide proper treatment for it.

    (Also if you thought my problem was with Saitou, it wasn’t! I actually like and relate to her character. I just don’t like how the MC and a few others were handling it. I’m just saying this based on what has been affective for me and my ND friends.)