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wishin4jimin March 6, 2021 7:53 pm

it was cute and all but the first seme bothered me by agreeing to the promise and ignoring him for a week, that hurt a lot and then he hella discarded it and didn’t even fully apologize even when the uke asked him too since he felt really hurt.

the other seme (the glaring one) bothered me a lot too and so did the other co workers cuz they were saying the uke was trying???!! EXCUSE ME?! he was trying his fuckin best, what else is he supposed to do besides trying to talk to him or text him which the seme kept fuckin ignoring. then when all was sorta resolved, the uke told the seme how hurt he was because the seme doesn’t put in effort and shit and THEY NEVER EXPLAINED WHY HE SNATCHED HIS HAND OUT OF HIS HAND ON THEIR DATE?! was it cuz he was nervous? but still the seme lackS MAJOR communication and i feel bad for the ukes that keep getting hurt by their dumbass and insensitive semes.

third couple gets a yummy green light from me, they’re so cute and the seme wasnt annoying, YAY
