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Thank you for the team which has worked on this story. Chapter 1 was really beautiful. ...

Alohomori February 21, 2016 4:33 pm

Thank you for the team which has worked on this story.

Chapter 1 was really beautiful.

Yasu supported Takashi's will to go to Tokyo all along despite the fact he didn't want him to go. He loves Takashi so much that he's ready to suffer a lot more than he's already suffered to let Yasu lives freely the life he wants to live. He understood Takashi's own suffering and the fate and town he wanted to escape. It's really a pure love.

It's so rare to see that kind of behaviour in a story. Usually, the characters are more selfish, jealous and possessive. Usually, they say: "No, I won't let you go!"

I like possessive lovers in fictions, but I must say it's also great to be able to read a story with an opposite situation.

I hope to see more of this story with a happy ending for them both.
