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That chibi gives me the impression of a future possessive twisted sadist. I hope I'm wron...

Merry February 21, 2016 6:55 pm

That chibi gives me the impression of a future possessive twisted sadist. I hope I'm wrong because I really pity the poor older brother...

    vegeJuicy February 26, 2016 9:51 am

    God I thought I'm just the only ine think thayt way and perhaps maybe just maybe when he grow up he'll join the older man 'sleeping' with his "older brother"

    Merry February 26, 2016 10:05 am
    God I thought I'm just the only ine think thayt way and perhaps maybe just maybe when he grow up he'll join the older man 'sleeping' with his "older brother" vegeJuicy

    Either way it will be fucked-up and depressing...#-.-)

    vegeJuicy February 26, 2016 10:21 am
    Either way it will be fucked-up and depressing...#-.-) Merry

    Ikr bc the tag line completely describe this story as messed up T^T but this one have a beautiful art...and I still want to know what will happen to the older boy even i'll puke when i see his sex scenes with that older man i still want to know T^T

    Merry February 26, 2016 10:26 am
    Ikr bc the tag line completely describe this story as messed up T^T but this one have a beautiful art...and I still want to know what will happen to the older boy even i'll puke when i see his sex scenes with t... vegeJuicy

    Haha me too! I read it only because I'm curious how will it end for the older bro :'(

    vegeJuicy February 26, 2016 12:35 pm
    Haha me too! I read it only because I'm curious how will it end for the older bro :'( Merry

    YessSSSSSSS I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!