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Cherry March 7, 2021 12:16 pm

Yeah I hated the sister, shunpei was trying his best. Fumi needed to try as well, literally just felt like Shunpei was saving their relationship singlehandedly. Everyone in the entire manga was basically against Shunpei. No one even wanted to help him and were so quick to go against him. But then everyone loved Fumi. Hated how the sister was extremely homophobic yet she was a fujoshi. She was happy fantasising about Fumi being an uke but was disgusted when she found out her brother was one, like double standards much? Forced my way through this hoping for people in the manga to feel bad for hurting Shunpei so much but there was no progress what's to ever.

    Semoo April 30, 2021 7:34 pm

    I really can't agree more you are right in everything(⊙…⊙ )