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My unpopular opinion: I'm tired of seeing people hating on promo like why the fck would u ...

WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A March 7, 2021 12:52 pm

My unpopular opinion:
I'm tired of seeing people hating on promo like why the fck would u read in the first place if you know it'll only have 1 chapter, then comment to sob about it and secondly a promo is just to give recognition for the actual novel if its actually getting good views theres possiblity for it to be serialized SO STOP GIVING IT 1 STAR and saying u hate promo
Cause ur literally the one that brought urself in here

    Jessie March 7, 2021 8:11 pm

    It literally says promo in the title and I agree it is kinda annoying for people hating on promos