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Sunny March 7, 2021 6:28 pm

Unpopular opinion but the people around Lilith is not it I swear. Her mother is just batshit crazy and her father is horrible he really has no excuse for being that damn naive “oh I love my wife” well good for u but love your daughter while ur at it instead of hurting her I swear
And also prince Payne... look I love him but HES A COWARD. I mean it’s basic knowledge that if u want to protect something so badly especially if ur in the royal family than you got work ur ass off to get the power to protect them.. but he’s like “oh I’m just a humble servant, oh I won’t punish the people that hurt me” LIKE NOOOOO BEAT THERE ASSES AND DONT ACT LIKE YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU HAVE FOUGHT IN A MILLION WARS IM PRETTY SURE U CAN KNOCK SOME SENSE IN AN OLD MAN AND A FCK BOY and it’s not like he’s alone either he has people who have power that are willing to side with him I swear my poor girl Lilith
