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Saw it Coming but hoping I was wrong..

emora March 7, 2021 10:41 pm

I cannot lie and not say that this story has come to disappoint me. I was very hopeful from the start that yuna and joy would be end game. I mean her name is literally 'joy'.
As for her bestfriend, the progression of her "feelings" for Yuna simply seemed like she was jealous that she was not getting the same blinded attention as she got from yuna previously. It was rushed and maybe if it was longer, we'd see it blossom but that is not case presently. It just does not seem healthy to me. Joy was always clear and understanding of her wants and yunas. I just hope that we see Joy happy with whatever she decides to do for herself. Joy does not deserve to be the after thought or settled because she is the ultimate catch and Ill take her for myself.
