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Its like a tournament.. Yui - Eliminated Marika - Eliminated Haru - Eliminated Tsugumi - E...

klabauterman February 23, 2016 2:34 pm

Its like a tournament..
Yui - Eliminated
Marika - Eliminated
Haru - Eliminated
Tsugumi - Eliminated
Final Stage Oodera vs Chitoge

    Another Anon February 25, 2016 3:21 am

    Not really, because Raku already acknowledged that his like with Chitoge is a stronger, more fun like than the one he feels for Onodera.

    I Am Stupid (Now You Said It) March 1, 2016 6:44 pm
    Not really, because Raku already acknowledged that his like with Chitoge is a stronger, more fun like than the one he feels for Onodera. Another Anon

    Everyone knows that,,,dont spoil it :9