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Please stop reading if you can’t understand the characters feelings.

Ernie March 8, 2021 6:22 am

This is not your cute YaOi manhwa, this is real life, a lot of gay people are still rejected by their family, yes you saw a bunch of people at a pride but don’t you think they still suffer in a society don’t doesn’t like them ? Korea is still very conservative they don’t even have the right to marry each other!! Now Jun’s sister, she is suffering because she feels like no one loves her because of her brother, he always has been the center of the attention, the favorite, so when she learn that her brother the backbone of the entire family is gay she knows it’s going to create a storm (grandma) and she know her mother is the one who’s gonna take all the shit from the bitchass grandma, basically she’s trying to protect her family peace, yes it’s kinda wrong but try to understand her a little. So PLEASE if you can’t understand those cultural differences DONT READ !!!
