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Good plot, cruel world.

Mion March 8, 2021 6:43 pm

It was really good and deep. I just can not accept Korea's beauty standarts as a woman. I heard that my friends who went there as a exchange student lost their confident once because of Korean's high beauty standarts. It wasn't like they are not beautiful, it's just Koreans keep talking about person's appearange and judge them like it is nothing. There must've a lot of people suffering from this kind of attidue. I really am sorry for them.
This manhwa's character devoloping was great, they didn't power up or they didn't feel confident about their appearance in a few chapters.
I don't think being honest is a hard thing but in Asia seems it is. So in the end they did face to their problems and be honest to themselves, it was a really good plot.(⌒▽⌒)
