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"Major Mitarai's death"+"hotness"

lenaGRonyx February 26, 2016 5:53 am

How is it that Mitarai's death passed like it was not something so big? I'm a the only one who took it like this?
It wasn't even at end of a chapter or something, it could have been much more... and I almost feel like I was more hurt by his death that the characters themself, well I'm so shocked, I really loved him and I think he deserved more, it totally bothers me.

PS: OMG, Mister assistant section chief is just gorgeous, Major Mitarai is so handsome, and Habu is a truely tempting sin... Maybe it was a little because of the uniform thing but dude, how is it that everyone is so hot right in there?! I don't know where to turn anymore XDD
