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Trying to find manga

Urgh March 10, 2021 5:28 pm

Hi im trying to find this BL
Basically the style is like totally black and white and kinda abit similar to harada sensei’s but not so
The story is alpha beta omega setting and one male and another is omega and alpha. It was kinda established that they both is a pair or thats what the alpha made it seems like them. Along the years, the fated pairs appears for both but these 2 main leads didnt cave and still stayed tgt despite not being each other’s fated pair. The both fated pairs kinda ended up tgt in their own twisted relationship??

This part is what im not sure if its in this manga or some other that i had read : the omega’s fated pair was someone who forced himself on him (or tried to) and they both kinda didnt recognise it and this alpha fated pair was in some kind of denial until he became older and met him once again.

Its kinda heartwrenching story but a good one.
Thanks in advance !! Hope someone knows it!
