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Prince and Duke scene

HmmHook March 10, 2021 6:11 pm

I love the artwork right before the title card It portrays the duke and the prince walking in the same direction but separated by a building. It shows the relationship between the two wonderfully. You have the duke who walks alone on the left, which symbolizes how isolated and detached he is from the royal family. He isn't actually welcomed there, and it's why he walks alone. On the other hand, you have the prince, to the right, who is being guarded by many people, illustrating his importance in the royal family. However, what I loved most about the scene was the fact that the two "brothers" were walking in the same direction, yet are separated from each other. They don't walk together as friends or "brothers". I know that they don't interact with each other so they wouldn't walk with each other, but the imagery solidifies how broken their relationship is. Two "brothers" that, based on past events, no longer see eye to eye. It's subtle, but when you notice it, it makes you realize how good of a story this is.
