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Latte can be childish, but she's a grown-ass woman that knows to make her own choices and ...

Yaoi801senpai March 10, 2021 9:04 pm

Latte can be childish, but she's a grown-ass woman that knows to make her own choices and to think for herself. The fact that even she's able to think rationally over Ibelin goes to show who the mature one is. Ibelin was just a spoiled child who truly thought things worked out for her no matter what she did, no consequence. And because things were easily handed down to her, she became arrogant in a way that made her believe she was the person in the right, rather than the wrong. I can't even begin to fathom how her mindset works, claiming things like people and love as hers like some item--something to take. Gosh, she needs a wake-up call that the world does not revolve around her.
