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Do authors think adding sexual assault makes a story edgy?

echeri March 12, 2021 5:29 am

Normally I'm never one to comment on issues like this. Since it's an issue that several BL manga/anime seem to portray.

Idk why as a collective, authors seem to think that using sexual assault or straight up rape makes the story edgy or unique. It's such a disgusting thing to use it as plot point.

Generally it's the seme who does it, and then there's no remorse, no time to heal and the story just continues.

It is so much more than a plot point. Ik some people don't mind reading SA in stories because after all it's just fiction. The rules of reality don't apply here.

But it's very disgusting to me that they still try to justify it. The reason I'm writing this under this manhwa is because I really really hoped and prayed the next few chapters would be Eunwoo processing what happened to him and healing from it.

The brother was instantly forgiven and they're now acting as if nothing happened. I'm not saying the brother shouldn't be forgiven

Everyone deserves to be forgiven and he clearly has issues that need to be handled with.

But damn, I didn't think we'd reach a "resolution" so soon.

No shade to this author honestly. Like, we're all reading this story for free so we really can't blame anyone

Thank you to the uploaders who seriously help several of us everyday.

And to those who enjoy this story, have fun it. I'm truly happy you like this story!
